vendredi, octobre 20, 2006

On going out.

I'm not one to throw in the towel prematurely. I'm only into my second week of school. But it's becoming more and more apparent that the chances of me finding people amongst my classmates who like to go out to concerts and clubs are slim to none. In fact, I think we have very different definitions of "going out". I like to study until 10pm, grab a drink and then head to the club and dance until the first metro. They like to sit in a bar, have a few overpriced beers and head home with the last metro. This is not based on any real evidence, it's just the overwhelming impression that I get. Although I think my assumptions are correct:

Exhibit A: Last time I was here, there was a huge end-of-year gala to celebrate the end of another hellish year. We all got dressed up in our cocktail dresses/suits and headed to a palace along the river to dance the night away. Did I mention it was a champagne open bar? To see these students drink, it was like they were 15 year olds who had just been given the key to their parents' liquor cabinet. The party only lasted until around 2am because people were too damn drunk to keep dancing. Now, I'm not saying I was sober...but I held it together pretty well for someone who spent half the night with a stolen bottle of champagne in her hand. This leads me to infer that based on their inability to handle alcohol, they must not go out much.

Exhibit B: Two years ago I had a friend who shared my love of going out and dancing. She came back this year, like me, to do a Masters but in a different specialty than me. It's a task getting her to come out with much so that she hasn't been out yet. She fully admits she's becoming one of "them". I convinced her to pony up for my birthday next week.

Today I went to pick up my reading packages from the photocopy centre. I have so many readings this semester that the lady at the admin desk gave me words of sympathy and wished me good luck with one of those "poor thing" looks as she handed me the 30 pounds of photocopied texts. Getting sympathy from the french administration, especially the french administration from a school like Sciences-Po, is about as rare as winning the jackpot. I taking my studies too lightly?


Time to go out. Busy P at la Fleche d'Or. Woot!


Anonymous Anonyme said...

wow, paris sounds fun. sounds a little different when i was there last at the age of 16! come april, looking forward to dancing all night on many occaisions. keep it up muffety!

9:10 PM  

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