Not many new posts these days. This is entirely due to the fact my life currently consists of studying, drinking too much coffee and stress...not exactly exciting blog material. I don't even have the energy to go out anymore. Usually when I'd rather be curled up in bed than dancing, it's a sign I need a break. So that's what I'm doing.
In the meantime, here are some pictures from my trip to London a few weekends ago:

My weekend in London was a lot of fun. These pictures are from my Saturday night. Bitsy, Zoe and I went to 333 Old St. for what had to be the most haggard party I've ever been to. The club was trash, the trannies had 5 o'clock shadow and literally everyone was strung out. Zoe's pals were on the decks for the last part of the night, so we stayed until the bitter end. On my bus ride back to Kentish Town, I got to listen to a highly entertaining sass-fest between two slutty north London girls. Good night all around.

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