dimanche, octobre 22, 2006

holla back.

I heard about this a few weeks ago on the weekly NPR Pop Culture podcast I download. I thought it was a pretty hilarious idea.

I generally think catcalls are amusing. What is the logic behind it? Do these guys think the girl is going to drop everything, rush over and hand over her phone number? "Oh you think I have a nice ass. You're obviously a very perceptive and intelligent man. Let's do lunch." In Canada, catcalls are for the most part harmless. Over here, I've noticed that they fall into one of two categories. And these categories reside on opposite sides of the spectrum from each other.

You've got the harmelss guys who just wanted to let you know that you're "charmante". Then you've got the guys who say things that make you feel very uncomfortable - and unsafe if you're alone. I've had to supress my (very Canadian) reflex to defend myself and answer back because I've been told by many a parisian to just walk away. Don't risk it. And that really bothers me - what, I don't get to fight back?! I think that's what these websites are ultimately about. They may seem a little reactionary or ridiculous at first glance. But it's not about trying to change the guys that harass women...because that's unrealistic. It's about taking back a little bit of control over the situation.

On a lighter note, Jerry Seinfeld also has some outstanding things to say about men who honk at pretty girls. I wish I could remember what standup routine it's in...


Blogger Aaron said...

it was in the i'm telling you for the last time standup. funny stuff this is true. "It's a good thing you honked! I had no idea that's how you felt."

4:00 AM  

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